Welcome young'uns! What you're about to read is how to research products that will sell on eBay without too much drama........Now, this advice won't make you millions but you will be able to make yourself a tidy bit of change which can help ease a financial burden enabling you to buy yourself some nice fluffy things without any guilt!
First of all how I started was a total fluke, I had an eBay account for years and never really used it. I had on a whim imported my first lot of glow pebbles for a personal project and after giving some away I had them in the house just sitting there doing nothing. I had never sold on eBay before and was slightly apprehensive at first but I thought I've got nothing to lose so I took a few pictures.
I had no real knowledge of eBay so I thought I'd better see who I'm competing with so I did an eBay search for glow pebbles and had a look at there ads and prices and calculated that I could sell my products
slightly cheaper than theirs and still make a profit - so I decided to go for the Tesco mantra "Pile it high sell it cheap". The first time I listed my products sells where low then I realised I had made a silly error I needed to list my items under the same keywords as my competitors and list the item in there chosen category plus a few of my own to receive a cross selection of buyers.
The final thing I did before really getting into the sells was to let the buyer feel like they were getting something for nothing, so at the start I offered free postage and packaging! This worked like a treat and soon the pebbles were flying out the door so much so that some competitors stopped selling theirs and the others went back to selling what they did before and the rest I don't worry about!
Now that I started to get the bug for the whole thing and my items where selling fast I started to step up my game so I used Photobucket to create a slide show which showed all my items for sale and attracted more buyers and I didn't need to buy any tools or upgrade my account to do it! I have no experience at building website so found the cut and paste option brilliant, you simply "get code" and in your item description click on HTML and paste your slide show where ever you want.
When the listing was at its peak which was summertime (always a good time to sell) I had over 300 views on just one of my listing with a 10% sales conversion which isn't bad considering that was just one of my listed items.
So you chose a product, had a look on eBay to see if it will sell - plus google search it to see what comes up on the first page and you've cheekily managed to undercut slightly (even if it's only by 10p/10c) and you then used key words in eBay search to locate your product and if you've done this right and there isn't too much competition your items should come up on the first page. Use key words which will sell products - search hubpages for this subject.
A tip for working out what to sell is go for hobby items or items which people will need and have to come back for more like office stationary.
After a while I started getting hot on the maths and realised that by offering free postage and packaging eBay were actually getting more money out of me so I re adjusted my price so the total was the same but I now had an added postage price (eBay don't take money from postage in the final listing fee). You must remember eBay buyers are very funny when it comes to postage and packaging and don't seem to realise that items don't fly through their letterboxes in a plume of smoke, an envelope or suitable packaging teamed with postage usually encompasses their much awaited items, so at times if you see yourself getting low postage ratings don't worry about it as I will tell you how to keep you buyers happy and on your side when it comes to leaving feedback!
I'm gonna get a bit cheeky now and tell how to limit buyers from giving you low scores and the answer is you just tell them! After receiving a couple of emails telling me my account had been demoted in the searches I was a bit annoyed because the parameters on eBay are quite low so if you get 2% or more star ratings of I think 3 or below the emails start coming, but do not despair simply write on your listing what the postage and packaging pays for and this usually does the trick, also be bold ask them to give you 5 stars or no sell! When I did this not one person gave me a low score during following months of selling - go figure! Many buyers don't realise low star ratings can effect a sellers dashboard performance!!!. If buyers think you are being fair they will support you!
OOhhh I nearly forgot, eBay technically can't demote your listing especially if you have used the appropriate meta tags which will give your listings priority through Google because of its strong affiliation, if they really demoted your listing how would they make money out of you - it just wouldn't make sense!!
Always watch what your competitors are doing look at there items and what categories they are listed in, if they change category you do the same!!
Add extra key words in your "item specifics" section including your website and other vitals and promote like mad!
Look at the items which have multiple listings and look at the amount sold, this will give you a clear indication of what is popular. Also look at the date of items sold, if the listing says 79 sold but the last time someone bought one was 5 months ago, you know that's no good to you!
I have been selling as a hobby for less than a year and made over £3,000/$4,642 and have on average 50 rolling sales a month - not bad for a whim. I found a product I liked and know I have good judgement so if I like it others will to!!
Use bold writing with different colours to highlight your key points with good sizing and spacing with direct sales information and let them know your items are selling fast on other sites!!
Item that sell like mad are:
Christian Louboutin Shoes & other designer shoes
Designer Sunglasses/handbags/wallets/cufflinks/purses
Baking Items (silicone trays/cake tins/piping bags)
Office Supplies
Anti Virus Software
Personal Engraving Services
Name Brand Women's Underwear (especially D cup and above) New or Good condition
Car accessories (car mats/hubcaps)
Electronics Phones/headphones/computer equipment
Wholesale is the key, if you can buy a product and sell it for 100% profit or more after paying out all your fees including postage and packaging - you're on to a winner so relax, have fun and beat the competition!!!!
Now you know what to do get on with it and Good Luck!! ;-D